Ecommerce Platform | Making spa days [packages] bookable & troubleshooting availability

Ecommerce Platform | Making spa days [packages] bookable & troubleshooting availability

Treatments and Spa Days availability in the ecommerce platform will always reflect the setup in our experience management system - EMS (previously known as Premier).   Please follow the checklist below to ensure Spa Days can be added to the basket and booked online with the correct pricing and availability. Detailed instructions for each element can be found in the linked articles.

Issue one: Individual spa days are not showing availability

Step 1: Package Configuration Checklist

EMS configuration
  • Ensure the Package is web-bookable

  • Ensure there is either no start date or a date in the past

  • If your package contains treatments, ensure all treatments are set up to be available and bookable online - (Troubleshooting treatment availability)

  • If your package contains a facility appointment code or group activity, ensure it is available within this package’s time bands

  • Ensure any non-stock extra’s included in this package are ticked as Available in API - (Extras Activation)

  • Ensure the Package Time Bands are configured correctly - (Calculating Requirements for Time Band Limits)

  • Ensure your time bands are within your opening hours set up on ecommerce platform - if you are unsure on these, please do check with our support team

  • Ensure Package Time Band Limits are set correctly for Web Booking - (Package Time Bands)

  • Ensure the promotional pricing has been assigned correctly to all elements of the Package - (How to set Promotional Pricing)

If you have recently been gone live with our ecommerce platform, we also recommend checking that Package Availability has been validated - (Package Configuration & Activation)

Ecommerce platform configuration

Step 2: Creating package Availability in Premier

  • Ensure package availability has been created as outlined in this article - Package availability, with the below points in mind.

    • Booking Limit - the maximum number of clients that can be booked on this package for a given day.

    • Web Booking Limit - the maximum number of clients that can be booked online. This must be greater than 0 for availability to appear via ecommerce platform. This is a subsection of the 'Booking Limit' it is not in addition to - (Setting up Web Booking limits)

    • The start of the timeband you tick here will be the arrival time that shows to guests on our ecommerce platform (setting package time band limits).

Issue Two: Spa days have intermittent availability

If you find that sometimes availability is displayed and sometimes it isn’t, it is usually due to the requested data not being delivered to our ecommerce platform in a timely fashion.

Possible areas that your IT team will need to check if you are not on Cloud:
  • If the internet connection to your network is fast enough and has enough bandwidth to meet the requirements.

  • If there is too much internet traffic on your network.

  • If your server doesn't meet the minimum hardware standards recommended by our EMS team, please contact our team for the most up-to-date recommendation.

  • If back-ups or other operations/software is running during the day on the server which is using up the processing power.

  • If your server needs rebooting.

  • If your connection to the proxy server requires resetting

If you are on Cloud or if the above step does not resolve the availability error on your storefront, please contact our support team via live chat at so we can investigate this as a priority.

Issue Three: Cannot add spa days to the basket 

If an item cannot be added to the basket on your storefront and displays a ‘something went wrong’ error, it is usually due to Promotional Pricing not being set up for the item in EMS.

Follow the steps in this article to check that Promotional Pricing is set correctly - (Setting Promotional Pricing in EMS)

Issue Four: No availability for ALL treatments and spa days

If availability has been working successfully for treatments and spa days, and suddenly stops for all and you are not on Cloud, please complete the following:

  • Please ask your IT Team to restart your Premier API services, as outlined here - (No availability after reboot)

  • Or if the connection to the API is being refused.

If you are on Cloud or if the above step does not resolve the availability error on your storefront, please contact our support team via live chat at so we can investigate this as a priority.

Important troubleshooting details

To aid the troubleshooting process with Journey please check for patterns and note these down to provide to us.

  • Time of day - please make a note of the time of the outage and how long.

  • URL - which page/URL has the issues, is it random or always the same treatments/spa days?

  • Frequency - how regularly does the issue occur?

  • The more information you can provide our support teams when raising issues, the quicker we can identify and resolve the issue for you.

To troubleshoot Treatments please click here

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