Ecommerce Platform | Spa day/package availability

Ecommerce Platform | Spa day/package availability

Creating package Availability in Premier

See the screenshots below for an illustration of these instructions

  • Open and log in to Premier Software.

  • Open 'Packages' and select the required package.

  • Select the 'Availability' tab.

  • Click the green plus button to create a new availability.

  • Select the Start date, leaving the End date blank if you wish the availability to be continuous.

  • Select Create Blank, unless you wish to copy previous settings.

  • Select Band 1 and enter the start/end Times.

  • Click the green tick to confirm.


  • Web Bookable
    Check the 'Web bookable' box to ensure that the package will appear online and can be imported into ecommerce platform (previously known as onejourney).

  • Booking Limit
    The maximum number of clients which can be booked on this package for a given day.

  • Web Booking Limit
    The maximum number of clients which can be booked online. This must be greater than 0 for availability to appear via ecommerce platform. (IMPORTANT: this is a sub-section of the 'Booking Limit' it is not in addition to.)

  • Allow bookings
    Tick the box against the time band to indicate the start times that will be bookable.

  • Number of Bands booked
    Is the number of time bands that the package can be booked in, the finish time band will be the selected finish time.

If there are additional questions regarding Premier setup, please speak with the team in Premier Software Support.



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