EMS | Stock Creation

EMS | Stock Creation


The stock section provides the functionality to create new products which can either sold as retails items or used professionally against services.  This section covers the ability to create a new product, configuring the dependency's and setting rules for ordering.


As with all systems, having an appropriate structure is vital to ease of use, with stock controlled items there is a Stock Structure, comprising:
Stock Suppliers - the companies you order your stock from - see Stock Suppliers
Stock Manufacturers - the branding on the packaging - see Stock Manufacturers
Stock Categories - the ranges or types of items - see Stock Categories
Stock Attributes - additional categorisation of items - see Stock Attributes


In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Stock"


Creating New Product

  1. To create new product click onto the "Create New" button above the green tick
  2. The following key details should always be entered:
    1. Description - enter as you would like it to show to both staff and clients
    2. Barcode; ideally scan this in using the barcode scanner but this can also be entered manually
      1. Barcodes -  can be entered as numbers, letters, or a combination of the two. 
      2. Add Barcodes - if the same product has multiple barcodes due to the supplier then additional can be entered
      3. Use Generated Barcodes - this allows the system to automatically generate a unique barcode which can then be printed
    3. Stock Type:
      1. Professional - for professional use only. Will not show on sales screens but will show in Stock Usage
      2. Retail - for retail sale only. Will show on sales screens but will not show in Stock Usage
      3. Both - for retail sale and professional use. Will show on sales screens and in Stock Usage
    4. Manufacturer - select the products brand from the list
    5. Category - select the products category type form the list
    6. Income Centre - select the appropriate entry from the dropdown list.
  3. Site defaults can be configured which are adopted by all sites and stock rooms
    1. Supplier - select the appropriate entry from the dropdown list
    2. Supplier Reference - enter a reference used by the supplier to facilitate stock ordering
    3. Allocation Code - enter the relevant code if you have an interface to your hotel property management system (or PMS)
    4. Pack Size - if the item is ordered in packs greater than one 
      1. Enter the Pack Size, i.e., 100 score cards in a box but sold singularly
    5. Order Whole Packs - tick this only if single items are not also available when ordering
    6. Order Must Not Exceed Maximum In Stock Level - useful with larger pack sizes to ensure that orders will not result in an excessive stock holding
  4. Room Details
    1. Reorder Level - define level before prompted to re-order 
    2. Minimum Units per Order - set the minimum units, if zero no restriction
    3. Maximum In Stock -the level used to with stock orders to replenish your stock levels
  5. Site Allocation - move the sites stocking the product from left to right to allocate using the arrows
  6. Click the Green Tick to confirm creation

Product Site Details

In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Stock”, select the  product from the list and "Green Tick" to open then select the "Site Details" tab

Select the site you wish to update, alternate details can be entered if the rules locally differ from the defaults
  1. Amend the following: Alternate Description, Supplier, Supplier reference, Pack size
  2. Allocation Code - the local interface mapping code to the PMS
  3. Tax - ability to define the tax percentages for the product
  4. Gratuity - ability to apply a service charge percentage
  5. Print Barcode - includes the product in barcode label print


The product pricing can be configure in Pricing Structures or individually against the site settings.  if manually amending then a confirmation prompt will ask to confirm each price change.
  1. Enter your required: Sale Price, Pack Cost, Unit Cost as appropriate.
  2. Enter your required Loyalty Points when required; Loyalty Add to indicate the number of points given to the client when they purchase the item, and Loyalty Use to indicate the number of points required to be redeemed to pay for the sales item.
  3. A confirmation window will display after making any changes to the existing values.

Room Allocation 

Complete the Room Allocation if there are more than one stock rooms at this site:
  1. Allocate the sales item to any additional Stock Rooms if not -Main-, using the Room Allocation table.
  2. Ensure that you then select the appropriate Stock Room in the list of allocated Rooms.
  3. Enter a Reorder Level and Maximum In Stock level for use with Stock Orders. An order will include any item at or below its Reorder Level and will order enough to take it to the Maximum in Stock level, provided this does not contravene any other rules.


This screen identifies the Attributes allocated to this particular item and allows both the Attributes and their Properties to be amended.
  1. To add a further Attribute to an individual item’s description:
    1. Select it from the dropdown in the Add Attribute section of the screen
    2. Click Add, to display in the main table and a Property can be selected in the Stock Attribute Properties dropdown
  1. To amend a Property of an Attribute in an individual item’s description:
    1. Click on the Stock Attribute Properties dropdown for the Attribute that you wish to change.
    2. Select the new Property form the list presented.
  1. To delete an Attribute from an individual item’s description:
    1. Click on the Attribute in the main table.
    2. Click the Delete button.

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