EMS | Stock Suppliers

EMS | Stock Suppliers


All stock items must have a supplier to utilise the “Stock Orders” feature offered within “Administrator” or “Manager”.  The “Suppliers” section also offers an excellent opportunity to store suppliers contact details so that they are always to hand.

Suppliers are the companies that send the products that are ordered.  This may be a distribution company, a wholesaler or direct from the manufacturer.


In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Suppliers"

Creating a Supplier

  1. To create new Supplier click onto the "Green Plus"
  2. Enter the company name
  3. The address fields are optional
  4. Move the required Sites from left to right to allocate
  5. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

When confirming the creation of the supplier, the system will prompt to create a Manufacturer for the supplier.  If the supplier and manufacturer are the same then click continue "yes",  if not then you can link the same supplier to multiple manufacturers.

This is designed to save time when creating suppliers that are distributing goods they manufacturer themselves.  If setting up a distribution company or wholesaler then the answer will be “No” 

For information on creating new Manufacturers see - Stock Manufacturers

Supplier Site Details

In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Suppliers”, and select the "Site Details" tab
  1. Account Number – If an account is held with the supplier then the account reference may be entered here.  If entered the account number will be quoted on all orders.
  2. Min Order Value – This field is only required if the supplier states that a minimum spend is required before an order can be placed. 
  3. Carriage Costs – This allows any standard delivery charges to be entered.   The system will add this cost, if entered, to the value of any orders.
  4. Default Part Delivery Action – This drop down box offers three options on how to deal with products that have been ordered but not delivered by the supplier. 
    1. Back Order - This is used when the supplier states any goods not delivered are “To Follow” on another delivery.  The order will be held open until all of the goods expected are delivered.
    2. Cancelled - This is used when the supplier states any goods not delivered will need to be reordered next time.
    3. Re-order - This option may be used instead of “Cancelled”.  Any goods not delivered will be automatically added to a new order by the software.
    4. None - This option may be used if none on the above action are applicable
  5. Lead Time - This field provides the option to input the expected time taken in days between placing an order and receiving the goods.   

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