EMS | Stock - Bulk Edit

EMS | Stock - Bulk Edit


This Bulk Edit function allows you to amend the details of several products in one go. 

This provides the ability to amend the retail price, cots and loyalty points in bulk, and the ability to set the descriptions in the defined format for attributes. In addition you can add or amend supplier refences and barcodes.


Bulk Edit

In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Stock", and select the "Bulk Edit" button


This function will allow the editing of products listed on the stock search screen (Stock - Search), therefore we recommend filtering the list to the required products, prior to using this feature.
  1. Filter the lists using:
    1. Stock Site / Room
    2. Manufacturer
    3. Category
    4. Stock Attribute
    5. Keyword Search
  2. To open the edit function, click onto the "Bulk Edit" button

Amend Prices 

Prior to amending the pricing select the Site you are editing.
The prices can either be amended individually per product by entering the values against the product or can be adjusted in bulk
  1. To amend prices and loyalty points in bulk:
  2. Use the Tick boxes in the first column to select the products to be amended
    1. Click each tick box individually 
    2. Use the "Select" tick box at the top of the column to select all products listed
  3. Enter the prices, costs and points values in the relevant boxes along the top of the screen
  4. Click Update All Selected
  5. Click onto the "Confirm" to save the changes

Amend Description

Prior to amending the description select the Site you are editing.
The description can either be amended individually per product or can be adjusted in bulk to the current format as identified in the Stock Attributes (Stock Attributes)
  1. To amend description in bulk:
  2. Click "Generate Descriptions"
  3. Click onto the "Confirm" to save the changes

Amend References 

Prior to amending the Supplier Reference select the Site you are editing.
  1. The reference can be amended individually per product
  2. Click onto the "Confirm" to save the changes

Amend Barcodes

Prior to amending the Barcode select the Site you are editing.
The Barcode can either be amended individually per product or can be automatically generated using internal barcode references
  1. Using the Generate Barcodes will replace the selected product barcode with a system generated number
  2. Use the Tick boxes in the first column to select the products to be amended
    1. Click each tick box individually 
    2. Use the "Select" tick box at the top of the column to select all products listed
  3. Click onto the "Generate Barcodes All Selected"
  4. Click onto the "Confirm" to save the changes

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