EMS | Staff Setup - Site Rules
Following the successful creation of a Staff Members record the site specific rules can be applied, to ensure bookings follow the local operational rules for the staff member.
Providing the ability to define the availability of the staff member, RSI limitations and the booking capabilities to ensure the accuracy of booking is retained.
Applying Site Rules
In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Staff Setup", and select the "Site Details" tab
- Select the "Staff Member" from the List at the bottom of the screen, then select the "Site Details" tab
- If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites
- You can then apply the general rules
- Intervals – this will be set when the site is allocated to the staff member via Staff Setup.
- Show Column - select if the staff member requires booking column, if not selected the staff member will be visible le for billing and reporting purposes only
- Link to Self - relates to hairdressing and the finishing links (book backs) the system will automatically look to keep the finish in with the same staff member
- RSI Points - ability to define the RSI restriction for the staff member - see RSI
- Start / End Dates - ability to define the start and finish date for the staff member which also control the bookable availability if dates are blank always available
- Commission - use the dropdown to select the commission rule which applies to the staff member for this site, see Commission Set-up
Applying Allocations
The "Appointment Types" section provides the ability to define which Appointment Codes are associated with the staff member
- To configure which appointments can be booked move the required appointments from left to right
- Appointments
- Appointment - these are the bookable appointments which can be booked with a staff member - see Appointments Code Setup
- Internal - are the internal blocks which can be booked against the staff member facility - see Internal Appointments - Staff Settings
- Sort - the button will sort the allocated list in the Appointment Code order (A-Z)
- Manual Sort - To set the order the appointments will be displayed when booking this staff member
- select the dotted box to the left of the description
- drag the item up/down to the required position
Staff Rotas
The "Rota" section provides the ability to set the default availability for the staff member
- Rota History -list the rotas which have been created for the staff member this lists the from and to dates
- Rota - provides a view of the selected rota, which is displayed on the right hand side
- Selected Week - lists the weeks included in the pattern and the ability to view the selected week
- Print - will display the selected rota in report form, providing the ability to print
- Green Plus - the ability to create a new rota - See Staff Setup - Rotas
- Edit - provides the ability to edit an existing rota - see Staff Setup - Rotas
Leaving Staff
If a staff member leaves the organisation, you can set a "Leaving Date" from the calendar dropdown, this is done in “Site Details” under the “Employment” section.
- If the member of staff has appointments booked after the leaving date you have inputted, the system will prompt you with an informational message to advise you that they have appointments booked past the leaving date inputted.
- A report will then generate to show all appointments that conflict with the leaving date.
- You cannot input the leaving date until you have moved all conflicting appointments.
- Once you have moved all appointments and inputted a leaving date, the staff member will then be removed from the diary.
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