EMS | Staff Setup

EMS | Staff Setup


Staff are team members which can be created in the system, which can then be made available for appointments or assigned to transaction for commission and performance.  The "Staff Setup" is used to define the individually staff members skill sets, availability or to simply create them a record. 


Creating Staff  

In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Staff Setup"

To create new Staff
  1. Click on the “Green Plus” to create a new staff member 
  2. Enter the staff members name in the “Display Name” field, this description will be displayed on the top of a column and used in reporting.
  3. Optional fields which can be completed if required 
  1. Title - Select a title from the dropdown which is created in Site Settings, which the option to link to Gender
  2. First Name, Middle Initials,  Surname - ability to record the staff members full name
  3. D.O.B - ability to record the staff members date of birth
  4. Staff Type - Select a staff role from the dropdown which is created in Initial Setup Menu, Staff Types
  5. Employment Start Date - ability to enter the date the staff member joined the organisation
  6. Nationality - Ability to record the staff members nationality
  1. To activate the staff member at a site move the required site from left to right
  2. Click on the “Green Tick” to confirm the creation

Optional Details

There are optional tabs which can be completed as part of the staff members main records, these are "Contact Details", "Notes", "Bank Details", and "Picture"

Contact Details - the ability to record the address and contact details of the staff member included an emergency contact

Notes - the ability to add a note to the staff members record card which is date and tome stamped 
  1. Use the "Small Plus Button" to add a note or the "Red Stop Button" to remove the note

Bank Details - the ability to record the staff member payroll details
  1. Bank - use the dropdown to select a saved bank
  2. Self Employed - ability to record the staff member as self employed 
  3. Payroll Number / N.I. Number - ability to record the payroll and national insurance numbers

Picture - upload the staff members picture, which can be displayed in the appointment view on the staff members column
  1. Capture - links to a linked camera
  2. Attached - opens a browser to upload an image
  3. Remove - deletes the stored image
To configure the the staff members sites specific rules - see Staff Setup - Site Rules

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