EMS | Room Setup

EMS | Room Setup


Rooms are resources which are booked when a staff appointment is scheduled which requires a room.

The room configuration ensures that the correct rooms are allocated based on capability and availability.


Creating Rooms 

In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Rooms"

To create new Room

  1. If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites, then click onto the "Green Plus"
  2. Enter the "Name" of the Room (this must be unique per site)
  3. Select the default length - the length is configured based on the default Interval
    1. Interval if your business uses multiple column intervals please select the relevant  either 5, 10, 15 minutes
  4. Start / End Dates - ability to define the bookable availability for the appointment, if dates are blank always available
  5. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

To create a Twin Room

Follow the steps to create a room, once created you can then activate the room as a "Twin Room" (couples treatment room)  The system allows for two types of twin rooms, a single use or independent.
  1. Single Use Twin Room - are two associated rooms which can only be booked at the same time, where the first room is scheduled prompting for the second linked room to be booked.  This prevents a second unknown guest being scheduled in the second room
    1. To make a Twin Room, in "Twin Room Details" tick "Room is part of a twin room"
    2. If this is the first half of a twin room tick "Can be booked separately"
    3. The using the dropdown select the room to link to

  1. Independent Twin Rooms - are two room which are associated that can be booked separately
    1. To make a Twin Room, in "Twin Room Details" tick "Room is part of a twin room"
    2. If  these can be booked independently tick "Can be booked separately" on both rooms
    3. The using the dropdown select the room to link to the other half

Applying Allocations

The "Appointment Allocation" section provides the ability to define which Appointment Codes are associated with the room

  1. To configure which appointments can be booked move the required appointments from left to right
  2. Appointments
    1. Appointment - these are the bookable appointments which can be booked with this room - see Appointments Code Setup
    2. Internal - are the internal blocks which can be booked directly in this room - see Internal Appointments - Room Settings

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