To ensure that treatments can be booked online, and availability and pricing shows correctly, please follow this checklist.
Detailed instructions for each element can be found on the linked articles
The 'Appointment Code' should be setup to be web bookable, active and have no end date set - (Appointment Activation)
Staff should be allocated to the appointment code - (Appointment Activation)
A room should be assigned - (Appointment Activation)
Staff should be web bookable, and have a valid rota set - (Staff activation)
Columns should not require extending - (How to extend columns)
A promotional pricing code has been applied - (How to setup Promotional Pricing in Core)
The treatment is listed in RevSpa admin
If not listed, please contact Journey support to assist in importing the treatment into RevSpa.
ALL Core configuration steps above must be followed first for an import to work successfully.
The treatment is linked (integrated) with the associated Core appointment
If not visible, this may be that the treatment isn't web bookable in Core - Check Appointment Activation
The treatment is published, and visible to the public