Any items that you wish to retail that do not need to be included in your stock control can be created as Miscellaneous items, this can also include items such as postage and packaging, guest passes, replacement membership cards, etc...
In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Miscellaneous"
Creating Miscellaneous
To create a new “Miscellaneous” item click on the “Green Plus”
- Description - enter as you would like it to show to both staff and clients
- Barcode; ideally scan this in using the barcode scanner but this can also be entered manually
- Income Centre - select the appropriate entry from the dropdown list
- Third Part SKU - used when linking to a third party F&B system
- Available in API - tick this to make available for ecommerce platform to add as extras
- Site Allocation - move the sites stocking the product from left to right to allocate using the arrows
- Click the Green Tick to confirm creation
Miscellaneous Site Details
Select the site you wish to update, select the "Site Details" tab, then amend the following:
- Alternate Description
- Allocation Code - the local interface mapping code to the PMS
- Tax - ability to define the tax percentages for the product
- Gratuity - ability to apply a service charge percentage
Miscellaneous Pricing