Gifted | Create a Complimentary Voucher

Gifted | Create a Complimentary Voucher

To issue a complimentary voucher, please follow the steps below:

  • Log on to your Gifted platform.

  • On the dashboard click on ‘Create an Order’ (the first of the large buttons along the top).

  • The vouchers will be listed alphabetically and you can use the category filter to save time if needed. You may need to select the correct option first for vouchers with more than one option (e.g. the value for a monetary voucher).

  • Add the desired voucher to the basket using the 'basket' icon.

  • Once finished, (you may want to select more than one voucher), click on 'Checkout'.

  • On the checkout screen, you will see the face value of the order on the right-hand side under 'Items'. Please amend it to 0.00.

  • This will then pop up a little message stating the order will now be complimentary. Note - You will not be able to adjust the postage charge if you have selected the 'Post' option. You will need to select one of the other delivery options if you do not want to be charged.

  • Fill in the necessary billing details (you may wish to fill these fields in with your details). The billing email address is the email address that will receive the order confirmation.

  • Fill in the rest of the form as normal including a message to the guest, if one is required.

  • If you have selected the print option, the order will open automatically. You can then print off the voucher and hand it over to the guest.

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