EMS | Corporate Membership

EMS | Corporate Membership


Corporate Membership

The Corporate Membership function allows for members to be linked to a corporate organization.

Members can either pay their own membership fees, or the cost can be attributed to the corporate organisation.



Membership Types

There is a default membership type called “Corporate Membership”. Each corporate organisation will be assigned this membership type so there is no need to create a new membership type.

Members linked to the corporate organization are assigned their own membership type and may differ from one organisation to another. For example: at one organisation the agreement may have been for members to enrol on Off-Peak memberships, whereas another organisation may have Peak members.
 The specific membership type assigned to the member is chosen when the member is linked to the corporate organisation.

Create The Corporate Organisation

To create a new corporate organisation, or edit an existing organisation log in to Manager.
 Click on the Corporate Details button (figure 1).

A picture containing diagram 
Description automatically generated Figure 1

In the Corporate Member Search screen, search for the organisation name, ensure that the method is set to Company (figure 2).

Graphical user interface 
Description automatically generated Figure 2

The system will either display matching organisations or offer to “add a new company” (figure 3).

Figure 3

If creating a new corporate organisation populate the contact details as required (figure 4).

Figure 4

Once the new corporate details have been saved, or an existing corporate organisation was selected the Corporate Update screen will be displayed.
The first section displays the Corporate Membership type, and the User (this is the name of the person currently logged in and can be changed to reflect the name of the person who sold the membership to the organisation) (figure 5).

A picture containing rectangle 
Description automatically generated Figure 5



The second section displays the payment terms (figure 6):
 - Single (This is used when the organisation is making a one-off payment for an agreed period of time, members linked to this organisation will automatically cease to be members on the corporate organisation expiry date).
 - Fixed Payments (This is used when the organisation agrees to make regular payments, usually by Direct Debit for an agreed period of time. Again, membership will cease on the agreed expiry date and no further payments will be taken).
 - Generated (This is used when the organisation agrees to make regular ongoing payments. Payments will continue to be collected by Direct Debit until either party cancels the agreement).

Figure 6

The third section (figure 7) provides information regarding the Join Date, Current Expiry (if applicable), New Expiry, Update Type (this defaults to “New” if you have created a new corporate organisation), Renewal Date (this will default to 12 months after the Join Date).
 The Join Date, New Expiry* and Renewal Date can be amended as required.
NOTE – the “New Expiry” date should never be adjusted if the Organisation is on the “Generated” payment terms. Expiry dates for generated payers are controlled by the system when Direct Debit runs have been done.

 Figure 7



The fourth section concerns the payments made by the corporate organisation.
 For ease of explanation this section will be covered in three parts below, depending on the Payment Terms selected.
Payment Terms – SINGLE: (figure 8).
This is used when the corporate organisation is making a one-off payment for an agreed term.
 The Amounts need to be inputted by the user. There are two amounts that could be populated.

The Joining Payment is a one-off fee that may be charged when a new corporate organisation joins; if no joining fee is applicable leave the amount as zero.
 The Single / First Payment amount is the agreed amount payable to cover the length of the contract.

The Paid Date boxes should be ticked if the organisation has already paid the amount(s) due, or left unticked if payment is due to be collected later.
If a Paid Date box has been ticked, then it will be necessary to select the appropriate Payment Method.

The Subsequent Payments section is disabled since the corporate organisation is making a on-off payment rather than ongoing regular payments.

 Click on the Green Tick to complete the process.

Graphical user interface, application, Word 
Description automatically generated Figure 8



Payment Terms – FIXED PAYMENTS: (figure 9).
 This is used when an organisation is contracted to a fixed agreed term, and regular payments are being taken over the duration of the contract. The default contract length on the system is 12 months, but this can be reduced or extended by amending the expiry date (see section three above).

The Amounts need to be inputted by the user. There are three amounts that could be populated.

The Joining Payment is a one-off fee that may be charged when a new corporate organisation joins, if no joining fee is applicable leave the amount as zero.
 The Single / First Payment amount is the pro-rata amount that the organisation should pay to cover the number of days until the first Direct Debit payment is processed.
The Subsequent Payments section is where the regular payment amount is populated. The Interval (Months) is the regularity of the payments (the default is Monthly, but you may choose to accept bi-annual or quarterly payments for example).
 The No. Payments field is to specify how many regular payments will be made. The default is 11 on the assumption that the organisation pays monthly.

The BACS Status will display “First” as the system recognises that this is a new organisation who have not paid by Direct Debit before.

Figure 9



Payment Terms – Generated: (figure 10).

This is used when the organisation has committed to ongoing payments rather than an agreement for a fixed term. The system will continue to request payments until cancelled.

The Amounts need to be inputted by the user. There are three amounts that could be populated.

The Joining Payment is a one-off fee that may be charged when a new corporate organisation joins, if no joining fee is applicable leave the amount as zero.
 The Single / First Payment amount is the pro-rata amount that the organisation should pay to cover the number of days until the first Direct Debit payment is processed.
 The Subsequent Payments section is where the regular payment amount is populated.

The system will populate the First Due Date as being the next collection date for Direct Debits. The First Due Date can be moved forward by clicking the  button. The Direct debit collection days are determined in Manager/Administrator > General > Sites > Site Settings > Membership Options

(Figure 10)



Once the relevant information has been populated, click the Icon 
Description automatically generated button to continue.

The Membership Update Confirmation screen will be displayed (figure 11).

Check that the information displayed is correct and click on the Icon 
Description automatically generated button to continue.If the information is incorrect click on the  button to return to the previous screen and make the required changes.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
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(Figure 11)



The system will now display the Payments tab of the Corporate Organisation’s record (figure 12).
 The information displayed will depend on the Payment Terms selected during the update process.
The example below shows the corporate organisation is on Generated Payments, and that regular payments will be taken on the 1st of each month.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
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(Figure 12)

If the organisation is making payments via Direct Debit then the organisation’s bank details need to be populated. Click on the Additional Details (figure 13) tab and input the relevant information (please see the prompt sheet entitled Bank Setup should you require help with setting up new banks in the system).

Graphical user interface 
Description automatically generated (Figure 13)

Adding Individual Members To The Corporate

To add individual members to the corporate click on the Members tab and then click on the Add button (Figure 14).

Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
Description automatically generated (Figure 14)

The Member Search screen will be displayed (figure 15).
Search for the member according to the selected Search Method (typically ‘Surname’) and remove the Members Only tick (this ensures that the system searches all client record and can help prevent duplication of clients/members).
 A list of matching names will be displayed; if there are no matches then you will see a prompt asking if you would like to create a new member.

Graphical user interface, text, application 
Description automatically generated (Figure 15)

The method of adding members will depend on the status of the person to be added.
 They will either be:

  • Existing Member
  • Expired (ex) Member
  • Existing Client (already on the system, but no previous membership)
  • New Client

Existing or Expired Member
Select the existing member from the search results and press the  button. The members details will be displayed, click on the Membership Update button (figure 16).

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated (Figure 16)

The Membership Update wizard will be displayed.
 The system will assume that the existing member will remain on their current Membership Type, amend if necessary.

There are two options regarding membership payments:

 Corporate Pays: this option is selected when the full cost of the membership is paid by the corporate organisation, and the member makes no financial contribution.
 Corporate Does NOT Pay: this is when the member makes a financial contribution towards their membership, albeit often at a reduced rate.



Corporate Pays (figure 17)
When the option of Corporate Pays is selected, the Joining Amount, Single/First Payment and Subsequent Payment fields are all disabled (since the member is not required to make any payments).
 The member will continue to be a corporate member for as long as the corporate organisation’s membership is valid; or until the member is manually removed from the corporate organisation.

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated (Figure 17)

Corporate Does NOT Pay (figure 18)
If the Corporate Pays box is left unticked, then the payment fields are active allowing you to populate the amounts that the member pays as appropriate. This procedure is the same as none-corporate membership update (please refer to the separate ‘Memberships’ prompt sheet)

 (Figure 18)

Existing Client or New Client (None-Members)

The process is the same as the above, with the exception being that a Joining Fee can be applied if appropriate.


Once members have been added to the corporate organisation a list of these members is visible under the Members tab (figure 19).
 From here you can see who is responsible for payments, you can view the individual members details and remove them from the organisation’s corporate membership scheme.
 The example below shows that there are two named individuals, plus three memberships named after the organisation; this is typical when you are simply issuing a number of membership cards to a corporate organisation where the cards could possibly be used by a number of unnamed employees of the organisation.

Graphical user interface, application, table 
Description automatically generated (Figure 19)



Administration of Corporate Membership

The system allows you to change the details of the organisations corporate membership.

Typical amendments include Renewal of the corporate membership; Upgrade, Downgrade and Cancellation.
 Upgrade is typically used when the amount to be paid is increased, maybe because the organisation wishes to increase the numbers of members.
 Downgrade is typically used to reduce the amount to be paid, usually because the number of members under the organisation’s membership is less than the original number.

 Cancellation is used to cancel the organisation’s membership and no more Direct Debit payments will be taken.
NOTE: Cancelling an organisation’s corporate membership does not necessarily cancel the membership of the linked members.
 If the members are set to “Corporate Pays” then the individual membership will be cancelled in line with the organisation’s cancellation.
 If the individual members pay their own fees via Direct Debit then their membership will continue and payments will continue to be collected until the individuals membership is also cancelled.
 If an individual corporate member wishes to continue their membership outside of the corporate umbrella then a membership update should be performed to update the new membership type and/or payment amount.

To carry out any of the above actions click on the Corporate Update button on the corporate organisations record card (figure 20).

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated (Figure 20)

On the Corporate Update  screen, select the relevant Update Type (figure 21).

Graphical user interface, text, application 
Description automatically generated (Figure 21)

For Upgrade, Downgrade and Renewal the Amounts for Single/First Payment and Subsequent Payments (if Generated payment term is selected) will be active. Populate the amounts as appropriate.

For Cancellation only the Single / First Payment amount will be active, this allows you to input an agreed cancellation fee if appropriate.
 The system will assume that the cancellation is with immediate effect; the expiry date can be amended if the organisation have given notice of their intention to cancel (figure 22).

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated (Figure 22)

Once the corporate organisation has been updated you should review the linked members.
 If the member is marked as “Corporate Pays” then no further changes need to be made.
 If the member makes a contribution as a one-off (single) payment, or via Fixed payments then the member will need to be updated as a renewal on the assumption that they wish to continue their membership, and any changes to the fees amended during the update process..
 If the member is on Generated Payments then no changes are required unless there is to be a change to the Direct debit amount.


Corporate Membership Reporting

Information regarding Corporate Memberships is available via the Reports function in Manager/Administrator.
Selecting the Members Listing report allows you to specify the criteria for the report (figure 23).

This example will show Corporate members listed in order of the different organisations (figure 24).

 (Figure 23)

Description automatically generated with medium confidence (Figure 24)

Corporate members are also included on the Membership Status Summary report. Please Note that the number shown against “Corporate Membership” is the number of organisations, and not the number of members who are linked to corporate organisations; these members are counted against the specific membership type that they are on (figure 25).

Graphical user interface 
Description automatically generated with medium confidence Figure 25


Further prompt sheets are available.
For assistance with the setting up of Membership Types, Membership Rules, Bank Setup, the AUDDIS and Direct Debit process please see the prompt sheet entitled Memberships.

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