EMS | Petty Cash

EMS | Petty Cash


Petty cash allows the user to process petty cash payments which are coming out of the till, this will keep the end of day and financial reports correct. 


In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “petty Cash"

Creating Petty cash

To create a new “Petty Cash" item click on the “Green Plus”
  1. Description - enter as you would like it to show to both staff and clients
  2. Income Centre - select the appropriate entry from the dropdown list
  3. Nominal Code - used when linking to a third party account systems 
  4. Site Allocation - move the sites using the item  from left to right to allocate using the arrows
  5. Click the Green Tick to confirm creation

Petty Cash Site Details

Select the site you wish to update, select the "Site Details" tab, then amend the following:
  1. Alternate Description
  2. Allocation Code - the local interface mapping code to the PMS
  3. Tax - ability to define the tax percentages for the item

Petty Cash Pricing

The pricing for these items is controlled per site see - Pricing Structures

Nominal Code
A nominal code can be assigned to a petty cash item which is a field used in financial exports, which can mirror the codes configured in you accounts system.

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