EMS | Appointment Booking - Create New

EMS | Appointment Booking - Create New


Appointments can be booked via the Appointment Book, this section covers the booking options available


In “Reception” click onto “Appointment Booking”

Create a Staff Booking

  1. Select a time in the required staff members column
  2. Use the Category dropdown to filter the list of appointments
  3. Select the required appointment type
    1. If the appointment requires a room 
    2. Select a room form the available list 
  4. Click onto the "Green Tick" or Select the "Client" Tab to enter the name of the client
  5. Enter a surname to search for the client 
  6. Select the client form the list or create new
  7. Click onto the "Green Tick" to complete the booking

To review a booking

  1. Select the booked appointment
  2. Client Tab - to view information about the client or change the client
  3. Company tab - to view information about the company, if this booking is for a client that is associated with a company.
  1. Appointment Review Tab - information about this booking including reminder/confirmation and pricing
  2. Price - ability to select a Promotional Code to change a price
  1. Notes - ability to add notes to the booking

Managing Appointments

Help on navigation the Appointment book - see Appointment Book
To create new or amend the appointment rules - see Appointments Code Setup
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