EMS | Amending Booked Appointments
This section covers the ability to amend a booked appointment
In "Reception" click onto “Appointment Book"
Appointment - Amending
Change Name
To amend the name of the client booked against the appointment:
- Select the appointment
- Client Tab - to view information about the client or change the client
- Company tab - to view information about the company, if this booking is for a client that is associated with a company.
Change Price
To override the price of the booking:
- Select the Appointment Review Tab
- In the Price Section, select the promotional price dropdown list
- Select the applicable reason code
- Discount Percentage - automatically changes the promotional price based on the fixed percentage discount
- Discount Value - automatically changes the promotional price based on the fixed value off the list price
- Manual Override - allows the user to manually enter the value to be changed.
- To create or amend the discount rules - see Promotional Pricing
Resend confirmations and reminders
Confirmations and reminders can be sent manually or automatically using the scheduled marketing, to resend:
- Using the "appointment Reminders & Confirmations" section
- Untick the relevant sent options
- Email Reminders Sent
- SMS Reminders Sent
- Email Confirmations Sent
- SMS Confirmations Sent
Change Appointment, room or length
- Select the "Appointment" Tab
- To change the appointment, select an alternate appointment type from the list
- To Change the allocated room, select an alternate from the Room list
- To change the duration of the appointment, use the length dropdown to change the time
Drag & Drop Appointments
Amending Appointment Date
If the client wishes to change the appointment once made, to an alternative date you may use the “Clipboard”
- Click and hold on the appointment you need to move and “Drag” and then “Drop” it into the Clipboard
- Change the date using either the calendar or the navigation icons located at the bottom of the diary page
- Click back onto the appointment in the clipboard and then “Drag” and “Drop” it to the new date and time
Amending Appointment Start Time or Column
- Time - Click and hold the appointment you need to move and “Drag” and then “Drop” it into an alternate time in the same column
- Staff - Click and hold the appointment and drag to an alternate staff column
- Room - Click and hold the appointment and drag to an alternate room column
- Facility - Click and hold the appointment and drag to an alternate facility column
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