RevSpa | Upload images
Important note: All images must be PNG or JPG files. Category Image: If you have a lot of spa days or treatments uploaded, a member of the Journey support team may have recommended that you turn on the category view for your RevSpa site. This will ...
RevSpa | How to set up a pricing period
Pricing periods are a useful way to change the base price of treatments and spa days for set periods of time or certain days of the week. Follow the steps below to find out how it’s done. Creating the pricing period Using the main navigation menu, ...
RevSpa | How to set availability
By navigating to the Availability page from the main menu you can easily set availability for a single event or multiple, for a specific period of time. You can also quickly block out availability for an entire day, affecting all treatments and spa ...
RevSpa | How to create a new treatment (non-integrated)
You can easily add new treatments to your RevSpa site while logged into the admin dashboard by following these steps: Creating the treatment Using the main navigation menu, click Events then select Treatments from the drop-down menu. Click Create a ...
RevSpa | How to create a new spa day (non-integrated)
You can easily add new Spa Days to your RevSpa site while logged into the admin dashboard by following these steps: Creating the Spa Day Using the main navigation menu, click Events then select Spa Days from the drop-down menu. Click Create a Spa Day ...
RevSpa | Extras & add-ons: what to offer
Offering guests additional treats and extras at the checkout will help to increase the basket value for any orders, as well as add to the enjoyment for your guests. You may wish to offer a combination of complimentary items, and paid at varying price ...
RevSpa | Creating upgrades
To create an upgrade in RevSpa: Go to Events and then Upgrades within RevSpa In the dropdown, select the event you wish to create an upgrade for (ie 45 minute massage) Click "Create Upgrade". This will then take you to the treatment/spa day that you ...