Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Display more than 12 months of pricing for rooms
If you wish to extend your room pricing for more than 12 months on your ecommerce platform storefront, please follow the below steps within Guestline. Go into Distribution within Guestline Select Channels Select Connection Settings Select the correct ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Will Ecommerce Platform pick up the price variances of peak & off-peak rates?
If you’ve got peak and off-peak prices set up, then you’ve most likely got price variances set up already. Ecommerce platform will pick this up as long as you’ve got them set up to be used on the RoomlynxWS channel. If the price variance isn’t set up ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Why is it displaying £0 on the Ecommerce Platform calendar?
The ecommerce platform rate calendar displays the lowest price available on each date. If you have some dates on the calendar which are displaying £0, this is most likely because there are zero rates set in the PMS for the room types but the rate ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Threshold closures
Threshold closure is the ability to close out availability to a specific channel, the channel ecommerce platform uses is RoomlynxWS. It’s vital that you have these set up if you are a property with a smaller range of rooms per room category. You can ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Setting up room upsells / extras
Upsells need to be created in Rezlynx first as ‘Products’. If you were using the DBM before ecommerce platform then hopefully you’ve got the upsell products already created, but if not, they need to be created in Rezlynx first before they can be set ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Room configuration and best practice
Important: The majority of the build will need to be completed in the ‘Distribution’ section of Guestline. Ecommerce platform will be using the 'RoomlynxWS' channel so please make sure your rates have been exposed to this channel and your rooms have ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | How to upload images to Guestline
Images must be uploaded to the 'Distribution' section first before you can then use the image on the rates or the rooms. To do this: Login to Guestline. Go into 'Distribution'. Under ‘Content & Info’, you’ll see ‘File Upload’. Here you can search ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | How to create promotional rate codes
In Guestline, you’ll have the ability to create promotional rate codes, also referred to as ‘Rate Access Codes’. This will hide rate plans from the search results unless the code has been entered. Important: The rate plan you’d like to hide needs to ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | How do payments going through onejourney work?
Your Ecommerce platform should be connected to a stripe account that you’ve set up during the onboarding stage. All payments for any bookings through ecommerce platform are always taken through stripe. For rooms, this payment might be taken at the ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | How do bookings with extras pull through to Guestline?
If you were using the DBM before, then the extra (also referred to as upsells) should pull through in the same way. The information is also pulled through to the ‘Roomlynx’ notes section of the booking with the name, price and quantity of the extra ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | How can I tell if a room booking came through the Ecommerce Platform?
Any bookings that come through ecommerce platform will always appear in your ecommerce platform's dashboard in the order listing. You will also receive a notification of the booking to your chosen email. These are the two most obvious ways of knowing ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Displaying your rates on Ecommerce Platform
All the rates should already be set up in Rezlynx. In order for them to display on ecommerce platform, you would need to ‘expose’ the rate to Roomlynx which is a simple tick box like below. This needs to be done for every rate that you’d like to have ...
Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Creating new rate plans
When you have created a new rate plan within Guestline, please run an import through your ecommerce platform (see article Ecommerce Platform | Imports). Once this has been completed, you will then be able to set the rates live within Journey's ...