EMS | Stock Rooms

EMS | Stock Rooms


Stock rooms are created to allow the user to define the different areas where the stock can be delivered into or sold from, if you only have one stock area your stock room will ALWAYS be classed as “Main”.

A stock room can be associated with "PC-locations" to create retail outlets.

For example, you may have a leisure desk stocking swim and fitness accessories, and a separate boutique selling  spa retail ranges.  The rooms are used to monitor the sales and the inventory for each product.


In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Stock Rooms"

Creating a Stock Room

To create new Stock Room click onto the "Green Plus"
Enter a description 
Select the  "Suppliers" by ticking the required from the list
In “Stock Type” state if the items is relevant to “Professional” use, “Retail” use or “Both”
Click onto the "Green Tick" to save

Allocating Products 

  1. Select the Room from the list
  2. In the “Stock Allocation” use the Manufacturer and Category list and select Update to filter the list
  3. Use the navigation arrows to move the required products from unallocated to allocated.

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