EMS | Staff Setup - RSI Restrictions

EMS | Staff Setup - RSI Restrictions


Repetitive Stain Indicators (RSI) can be configured to limit the number of appointments a staff member can complete in a day help ensure you are protecting your employees and your organisation.

The RSI protection can be configured per staff member depending on their role, the types of services they are undertaking and whether they have reported any symptoms.


RSI Points Scale

The Repetitive Strain Indicator (RSI) are controlled based on a point scale, as an organisation you should first consider your points scale, which is typically based on intensity or length of appointment
e.g. A Sports massage (6 points) may have a higher number of points to a general massage (4 points), or a 90 minute massage (6 Points)  might have a higher stain than a 60 minute massage (4points)

Assigning RSI Points

In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Appointment Codes”, and select the "Site Details" tab

  1. Select the "Appointment" from the List at the bottom of the screen, then select the "Site Details" tab
  2. If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites
  3. You can then apply the RSI points
    1. RSI Points - Enter the amount of “RSI Points” that needs to be allocated to the appointment 

Setting RSI restrictions

The Repetitive Strain Indicator (RSI) limits can be defined per staff member providing the ability to set a daily limit and a consecutive limit

In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Staff Setup", and select the "Site Details" tab

  1. Select the "Staff Member" from the List at the bottom of the screen, then select the "Site Details" tab
  2. If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites
  3. You can then apply the RSI points
    1. RSI Per Day - Enter the maximum number of points the staff member can have associated with their booked appointments in a day
    2. Max. Consecutive Points - Enter the maximum number of points the staff member can have on back to back appointments before a break is required
    3. Min. Rest Period (Mins) - The break period in minutes between consecutive bookings

RSI Points Display

The number of points can be displayed at the top of a staff members column, this is activated in the "Site Setting".  To activate go to "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “General Menu”, and select the "Site", then select "Site Settings" "Booking Options"

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