In order for your Spa Day to be bookable online, you must set 'Web Booking Limits' to a value greater than 0. If you only have 'Booking Limits' set, but not 'Web Booking Limits', your spa day package would be bookable via Core, but not online. Additionally, you may override the global limits for an individual spa day, to set different limits.
Definitions: The Booking Limit is the maximum number of bookings that can be made on that day. The Web Booking Limit is the maximum number of packages which can be booked online out of the total booking limit.
The steps below explain how to set global limits and package-specific limits.
Follow the steps below to activate package availability
Log into Core via Configuration or Administrator
Open Package Time Bands
Select Band 1 and enter a start date in the past
Enter the booking limits and Web Booking limits for each day.
Repeat the process for other time bands.
You can override the Booking Limits and Web Booking limits for one specific package if ever required.
Open up the package settings in Core.
Click on the 'Site Details' tab
Highlighted in the blue box below, you can now enter the Booking Limits and Web Booking limits for this package for each pre-set time band. You will need to ensure that you have ticked the box against each time band you want the start time to be for and filled out the 'Number of Bands Booked'.
The Number of Bands booked is the number of bands the finish time band will be. For example, if you only want this package to be available between 09:00-13:00, then you would only tick the first-time band and leave this number set to one.