New order received:
Each time a new order has been taken through RevSpa, the team will receive a confirmation to your admin notification email.
(Example Only)
This email will include the customers' contact details in case you need to quickly get in touch (to schedule treatment times) as well as the information relating to the Spa Day or treatment and any extras they have added.
Your guest will receive the same email, which includes their order reference at the top.
Any notes the guest has made will also be included in the email.
This might include special requests, allergies or medical information.
Scheduling treatments:
Once you have opened this email, go to Core to create the reservation and to check treatment time availability, should any treatments need scheduling.
Based on the availability in Core, contact the guest to confirm their preferred treatment times and schedule these directly in Core.
Confirming orders in RevSpa:
If you can accommodate the booking, you will need to confirm the order in RevSpa.
To do this, find the order using the order reference in the email or the guest details. Within the ‘Orders’ tab in the menu, you can search the relevant order:
Once you have found the order you need to confirm, on the right-hand side of the page click ‘Edit’. The order will open on a summary page.
Next, you will need to click on the field below the order status to open up the option of either confirming or, cancelling the order. If you want to confirm the order, change the status to ‘Confirmed’. Then scroll to the footer of the page to ‘Update order’.
When you click on ‘Update order’, this will automatically send your guest an order confirmation email.
Blocking availability in RevSpa:
To manage the date and times your guests can see as an option to book on the storefront, at any time, you can create a new ‘exclusion’ rule.
To do this, in the menu in RevSpa click on ‘Availibility’. In this section, you will see the option to ‘Create an Availability Rule’.
The page will automatically open on ‘Exclusion’.
Here, you will be able to block availibity for a time period. If the Spa is near capacity for a particular day of the week and you would prefer to prevent any more guests booking online, then you can block ‘All Spa Days’ for that particular day.
To do this, select ‘All Spa Days’ from the drop-down. Next, select the start and end date for the period you would like the block to apply. Ensure to switch this to an enabled status to apply the block immediately, once you have saved the new rule.
For guests, the block you have created will disable the day as a bookable option - in the calendar view, it is displayed in a dark grey colour.
Creating availability in RevSpa:
To manage what times your guests can see as an option to book on the storefront, a week or two in advance, you can create a new ‘inclusion’ rule.
To do this, in the menu in RevSpa click on ‘Availibility’. In this section, you will see the option to ‘Create an Availability Rule’.
The page will automatically open on ‘Exclusion’ so click across to the ‘Inclusion’ tab on the right.
Here, you will be able to set your availability for the week, based on what has already been scheduled in your diary, and the spaces you have left to fill.
To do this, click onto ‘All Events’ and from the drop-down, select ‘All Treatments’. Select the start and end date for the week you would like to set the time availability for. This will open the time and date picker below so that you can begin to input your availability for each day of the week.
To open up a time for every day (eg we have 11 am available every day of this week), click on 11:00:00 on the far left. This will bulk open 11 am.
To open individual slots, simply click on the time for the day it is applicable. When you are happy you have opened the relevant time slots you have available slide the toggle to enable.
To ensure another guest can’t book the same slot for their treatment, you will need to edit an ‘Availability Rule’.
If you have scheduled a new treatment and notice that both treatment rooms are now being used at 11 am, for example, you will need to ensure this becomes unavailable as an option for any guests looking to book online.
To manage this, click on ‘Availablility’ in the menu and then click onto the ‘Inclusions’ tab. On the list of rules that have been previously set up, find the relevant date range that includes the date you need to create a block for and click ‘Edit’ (on the right).
This will open the day and time view. From here you will see that 11 am is highlighted in blue. This is indicating that guests can book this time, therefore, you simply need to click on 11 am so that it becomes white - it is now unavailable.
Before: After:
Managing Event Stock in RevSpa:
Another option to help you manage storefront availability is by altering stock rules.
‘Event stock’ refers to the number of guests that can book a spa day or treatment online, in one day. If you choose to enable quantity tracking, Spa Days and Treatments will automatically decrease in daily quantity as bookings are confirmed. This can be changed on individual events.
Within an individual Spa Day or treatment, you will have the option to set a Base Quantity per Day:
This example shows that the base quantity is set at 10 per day, and tracking is enabled. Once 10 guests (individually or as small groups) have booked this event in one day, it will become unavailable for any more guests to book.
If you need to override the base stock set per individual treatment or spa day, you have the option to dynamically alter event stock in ‘Event Stock’ in the navigation menu. This would be beneficial for example, if you have taken a large number of bookings over the phone/email and you need to reduce the quantity available to book online, for a particular day.
To do this, within ‘Event Stock’ click on ‘Alter Stock Rules’. Select the relevant fields in the dropdowns to filter the event stock view.
You will then be given the option to select the date you would like to alter stock status and quantities for. This will open up the list view, based on your original filter and you will be able to alter the quantity for each event and also have the option to toggle on ‘telephone only’.
If you want to alter multiple dates at one time, you can make the relevant stock changes then click ‘Next Day’. Status and quantities will be updated automatically as they are changed.