The cancellation for the booking will need to be done directly in Core. Please cancel the booking in Core first, then proceed to refund the guest in RevSpa.
Please note that all refunds need to be processed through the platform and cannot be done directly through Stripe.
If you are unsure on how to issue the refund, then please follow the steps below:
Use the ‘Find an Order’ button to search for the order that needs to be refunded.
Enter the Order ID, or if you don’t have this then use the drop down menu to search by different methods.
Click on the ‘edit’ button beside the order.
Then click on to the 'refund' section of the order (third tab along).
It'll then show you the amount taken and when.
Check the amount you're about to refund is correct (if it's a partial refund you're giving)
Use the drop down menu to select a reason for the refund
Once a reason has been selected, click on the 'submit refund' button.
The refund has now been issued and should credit the customer's account within 5-10 working days.