API Availability - When searching for availability for we no longer return the second room for twin rooms where they cannot be booked indivually.
Trading Summary Report - We have amended the trading summary report to include group activity refunds as these were causing imbalances in the report.
Reservation Invoice - The invoice tab within the reservation booking screen now shows the correct count of group activities, This was before always showing 1 if the reservation had more than one person that had a package that contained a group activity.
Arrivals - there was a bespoke issue where when arriving reservations, it would prevent the reservation from being arrived, this was due to ID's in the database being the same for a group activity and facility.
Reporting Automation - We have resolved an issue preventing the member's listing / members payment's Email campaigns from being automated in Administrator.
Reservations - An issue has been rectified that causes the application to terminate when clicking on the payments tab in reservations when the client had multiple client card types.
Interface Payments - When completing a bill in CORE, if the operator selected voucher, then backed out and selected a different payment, the interface was attempting to post voucher as a second payment method, this has be resolved now and only send the selected payment method.
Reservation deposits - When amending the value of the items on a reservation and then taking a deposit, this now correctly uses the amended price rather than the original price.
Stripe VT - Additional amendments have been made to the refund process when using the Stripe Virtual Terminal.
- Tee Booking in Reception - An issue has been rectified where it wasn't possible to access Tee Booking from within Reception.
- Planet PDQ Terminals in POS - Fixed an issue that prevented PDQ terminals from being used with the Point-of-Sale.
- API - Resolved an issue with the Swagger definition that prevented the Swagger page from being accessed.
- Resolved an issue where you would be unable to view or create Tee Bookings when changing the diary date to a date on a different season