EMS | Package Setup

EMS | Package Setup


Packages provides the ability to bundle appointments and services under a fixed costs and description. 

The value of the items included in a package are at a reduced to match the sale price of the Package, only this rate is viable to the customer. 

The package can include a mixture of bookable and non bookable items.


Creating a Package

In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Packages"

  1. To create new Package click onto the "Green Plus"
  2. Enter a description 
  3. You have the option to add additional information 
    1. Web Description - to explain the package which can be visible online
    2. Web Picture URL - ability to add an image which will be displayed online
  4. Move the required Sites from left to right to allocate
  5. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Package  Setup

A Package can be configured with multiple appointments, group activities, products and chargeable lines or Golf items.

  1. Select the "Package" from the List at the bottom of the screen, then select the "Site Details" tab
  2. If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites
  3. You can then apply the general package rules
    1. Alternate Description - if the site naming convention differs per site you have the ability to define a local description
    2. Price - enter the sale price for the package
    3. Loyalty Add - enter the number of points which can be added to the customer record on purchase
    4. Loyalty Use - enter the number of points which are required for the customer to purchase a package using points
    5. Number of days - the default number of days a package will be booked over 
    6. Wait time after arrival - this is how from the arrival time the first appointment is booked, creating a gap between arriving and treatment time
    7. Start / End Dates - ability to define the availability for the package sale, if dates are blank always available 
    8. Package Code - the code is used when linking an interface to a Property Management System (PMS) to automatically add a package to an overnight stay 
    9. Maximum per reservation - this limits restricts the maximum number of guests which can be booked for this package on the same reservation
    10. Inclusive - if the payment for the package is taken through a different system then the package can be marked as inclusive, this still allows for the worth of the package and items to be recorded, but will not prompt for payment
    11. Web Bookable - this tick box makes the package available online

Package Items

When adding items the total value of the items must match the sale price for the package, any difference is displayed in the "Target" Totals

  1. Using the "information" window you can amend the following for each item
    1. Qty - to amend the quantity for each item
    2. Length - the ability to override the bookable length if the appointment
    3. Wait Time - ability to set the gab between the end of an appointment and the booking of the next appointment
    4. Price - ablity to amend the value assigned to teh item

Package Order

Using the arrows you can set the booking order for the package items.
In the "Information" window select an item and use the Up / Down arrow keys to change he order.

Adding Appointment / Group Activity

  1. Select "Add Appointment / Group" next to the quantity window

  1. Using the "Additional Appointment / Group" window 
    1. Select the appointment from the list
    2. Enter the quantity 
    3. Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
    4. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Add Selection of Appointments

  1. Select the "Add Selection" next to the quantity window

  1. Using the "Add Selection" window 
    1. Enter the quantity 
    2. Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
    3. Select the appointment from the list, use the arrows to move the included appointments from left to right
    4. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Add Stock

  1. Select the "Add Stock" next to the quantity window

  1. Using the "Additional Stock Item" window 
    1. Enter the quantity 
    2. Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
    3. Using the Filter /Search
      1. Rooms - ability search and select the location the product will be deducted from
      2.  Manufacturer - refine the search by brand
      3. Category - refine the search by type of product
      4. Search - generates a list of products based on the filters selected
    4. Select the item the list
    5. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Add Non Stock

  1. Select the "Add Non Stock" next to the quantity window

  1. Using the "Add Selection" window 
    1. Enter the quantity 
    2. Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
    3. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Add Golf Course

  1. Select the "Add Golf course" next to the quantity window

  1. Using the "Golf Course" window 
    1. Select the Course
    2. Enter the quantity 
    3. Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
    4. Select the number of holes (18/9)
    5. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Add Golf Additional Items

  1. Select the "Add Additional Items" next to the quantity window

  1. Using the "Additional Golf Course Items" window 
    1. Enter the quantity 
    2. Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
    3. Select the hire item from the list,
    4. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

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