Site settings in the general menu provides the ability to set rules and defaults which can be applied when creating or managing memberships. Before creating new members, you will need to ensure that you have configured the settings.
In "Administrator" or “Manager” click onto “General Menu", select "Sites" and then click onto “Membership Options” in the list on the "Site Settings" tab.
Membership Options
Use Manual Membership Numbers - allows the user to manually enter a membership number on sign-up, this option should be active if using membership cards are already pre-numbered.
Use Loyalty Scheme - activates the issue and redemption of points
Allow Loyalty Points on Discounted Items - if active will issue points on items which have been discounted
On Hold Reasons - when freezing members a reason can be added
Off - allows for members to be placed on hold
Always - a reason must be selected when placing a member on hold
Treat as Member - ability to define the number of days after a members expiry where they will still receive membership benefits
Allow membership Management in Reception - activates the "Members Detail" functionality in reception
Request Invoice - Prompts the user to print an invoice on creation of payments
Pro-Rata payments - configures a fixed renewal for all "single" and "Fixed" payers
Default Payment Types- select which payment terms is the most relevant to your business needs
Single - One off annual payment, the membership will then expire and the member will require updating each year
Fixed Payment - Payments will be set over a fixed term and money is generally paid by direct debit. The membership will expire after last payment has been made
Generated Payment - money will be collected monthly and membership will roll on until member leaves or payments are stopped
Search Options - this determines the preferred search method within membership arrivals
Search Match Option - option to set whether the search is an exact match or a contains search
Allocate Loyalty points - for monthly points scheme option to issue on creation of the monthly run or automatically on the collection day
Allocate Passes - automatically allocates membership and guest passes on anniversary for generated members
Membership Direct Debits
Depending on your organisation and collection methods the system can be configured to generate BACS or SEPA files, this section cover the rules relating to collections
Use Direct Debit - activates the direct debit function, if not active system defaults to Standing Orders (SO)
File Location - add the file path where all collection files will be stored
Use BACS - Activates the use of BACS related files
Use AUDDIS - If you require the system to generate an “AUDDIS” file each month to be sent to the bank for direct debits to be set up, then this will need to be ticked.
Use SEPA - Activates the use of SEPA related files
Creditor ID - creditors unique mandate reference
Creditor Name - creditors company name trading name
Creditor BIC- creditor bank identifier
Creditor IBAN - creditors international bank account number
Bank Format - Select from (Allied Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland, Ulster bank) xml formats
DD/SO Setup Period - This is the time it takes for the bank to setup the direct debit before the first payment is taken.
Account Direct Debit Processing - if you allow members to put items on their account, then this option will dictate when the money will be retrieved from the client by Direct Debit.
Membership Direct Debit Runs determines what day of the month the direct debit is taken, you can have up to 5 dates within the system
Membership Bank Details
Account Number Length – ability to set the maximum length of an account number (UK should be set at 8)
Sort Code Length – ability to set the maximum length of a sort code (UK should be set at 6)
Projected Payment Method - determines how the revenue for annual payments in the projected revenue report is broken down, whether it is divided by 12 months or determined by how many days there are within each month.
Till Memberships - Ability to define the tax percentage and PMS posting allocation code for payments taken via reception
Members Information
Arrival options - ability to configure alerts on member arrival swipes
Member expiry warning - alert to count down to expiry
Re-entry interval - time restrict on member using same entry card
Information Board - ability to define pop-up alert for membership arrivals
Invoice Details - ability to configure invoice layout
Description Corporate Membership The Corporate Membership function allows for members to be linked to a corporate organization. Members can either pay their own membership fees, or the cost can be attributed to the corporate organisation. Resolution ...
Description When create a new member this will utilise the "Membership Update" process which provides reh ability to select the membership type and the payment options. The ability to create or edit a members record can be completed via the back ...
Description Membership Types creation defines the rules for the business rules and fees associated with members Resolution In "Administrator" or via "Manager" click onto “Initial Membership Setup” and then “Membership Types” Creating Membership Types ...
Description The ability to add additional charges and fees to the membership rules and define the financial reporting structures. The fees can be used to separate charges to affiliations, such as England Golf and other local societies, to add charges ...
Description The ability to group membership types when running reports or marketing members Resolution Creating Membership Groups To create a new Membership Group Type click onto the "Green Plus" Enter a description Assign the membership types which ...