EMS | Membership Additional Fees

EMS | Membership Additional Fees


The ability to add additional charges and fees to the membership rules and define the financial reporting structures.

The fees can be used to separate charges to affiliations, such as England Golf and other local societies, to add charges for hire items, or to separate revenue for other parts of the business.

Entering a negative fee in the Site Details - Additional Membership Fees tab in Membership Types these items can also be used to apply discounts.


Creating Additional Membership Fees

  1. To create a New Membership Type click onto the "Green Plus"
  2. Enter a description 
  3. Income Centre from the dropdown list – ability to define where annual and monthly fees are associated
  4. Assign Points To - the ability to define the site Loyalty points will be issued on payment of fees (Site specific loyalty points must be active)
  5. Move the required Sites from left to right to allocate
  6. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Applying Site Rules 

Select the "Membership Additional Fee" from the List at the bottom of the screen, then select the "Site Details" tab
If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites
  1. Alternate Description - if the site naming convention differs per site you have the ability to define a local description
  2. Allocation Code - set the interface code to allow postings to the the Property Management System (PMS)
  3. Inactive - to deactivate for this site

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