Gifted | Why don't my Stripe payouts match funds in the account?

Gifted | Why don't my Stripe payouts match funds in the account?

Sometimes you may find that daily/weekly/monthly payouts from Stripe don't match the funds received. This is usually due to a 'Reserve' being put in place in your Stripe account.

If you have a new Stripe account a reserve is often put in place automatically, but it can also be implemented due to a higher number of disputes or refunds.

The below articles from Stripe explain what a reserve is, why it's put in place, and how to remove it:

If you have further questions please contact Stripe Support.

We advise this because we do not have permission to access your own Stripe account.

There isn't a phone number for Stripe support, but if you follow the process below, you can get a call back from them within a matter of minutes.

  • Click 'Contact Support' at the top of the right-hand menu.

  • From the pop-up that appears, select an appropriate topic (i.e. Payouts).

  • Click 'Have us call you'. An estimate of how long you will need to wait for the call back is displayed on the screen.


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