Gifted | Process a Refund

Gifted | Process a Refund

If a customer has decided they no longer want the voucher they have purchased or would like a partial refund, please follow the below steps to issue them with a refund.

IMPORTANT: Please note that all refunds need to be processed through the platform and cannot be done directly through Stripe.

  • Log on to your Gifted platform

  • Select ‘Find an Order’ from the top selection

  • Search for the order in question via one of the parameters shown below.

  • Once you have found the correct order, select the 'Payment' tab.

  • You will then see a breakdown of the payment on the left-hand side (item, postage, packaging).

  • On the right-hand side is the refund section. Here you will be able to refund the desired amount.

  • Type in the amount you wish to refund and the reason for the refund. Partial refunds are accepted. If we have dispatched your postal order and you would like to also refund the postage value please contact us at

  • Click ‘Process Refund’

  • This will then start the process.

  • The money may take up to 14 days to enter the customer's account.

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