Gifted | How to re-send a voucher

Gifted | How to re-send a voucher

This article covers how to re-send both e-vouchers and postal vouchers.

Postal Vouchers:

If you re-dispatch a voucher via the post from your property, we recommend contacting to request the voucher code is regenerated to ensure only the intended recipient can use the voucher.

If your property self-fulfils, you will also be able to update the order status to 'Redispatched' when re-sending an order. To do this select Fulfilment from the left-hand bar, and then click on the 'Redispatch Order' button at the top of the screen. You have to enter an order reference or voucher code for an order that has a status of 'dispatched' for this to work.

If Gifted fulfils for you and you do not have the ability to re-dispatch the order from your property then please get in contact with and we can advise you further depending on the circumstances.


  • Log on to your Gifted portal.

  • Click on ‘Find an Order’.

  • Search for the order using the voucher code drop-down. Select another method such as order reference if you do not have the voucher code.

  • Once you have located the order it will look like this:

  • Click on the ‘Items’ tab.

  • Check to make sure the email address is correct. (Location shown below)

  • If the email address is incorrect, click on the Edit button. Enter the new email address and click on Update.

  • If you update the delivery email address a new voucher code will automatically be created to ensure that only the intended recipient has the valid voucher code. These changes will also be stored in the audit notes.

  • If the email address is already correct click on the 'Resend Voucher to Recipient' button. you may also wish to 'Download the Voucher PDF' and email a copy of the voucher directly to the customer if they have emailed in.

  • If you have selected the 'Resend Voucher to Recipient' button, then you will see a green banner show briefly at the top of the screen.

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