This feature is for when you want to broadcast a message to customers browsing your store in the form of either a pop-up or a subtle banner.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The colours of the announcement are pulled directly from your storefront's secondary brand colour. This ensures that any announcements you make will always fit your property's branding.
How to...
Log on to your Gifted platform.
Click ‘Marketing’ on the left-hand side.
Select the 'Announcements' widget.
Click 'Create an Announcement'.
Type in the name of the announcement (for example 'Black Friday 23'). Only your staff will see this name - it will never be displayed to customers.
Select a time period that you'd like the announcement to run for (including start and finish times)
Chose between a 'Popup' or 'Banner' (pop up's are better suited for sales or urgent communication and banners are better suited for displaying information, such as Christmas postal reminders)
Example Popup:
Example Banner:
Choose a Heading (often a good idea to have something suited to your TOV) For example 'We are having a facelift'
Then input your content. For example "We will be closed for a week in January for annual maintenance, a lick of paint and a general freshen-up. We will be back to our normal beautiful selves the following week, and we look forward to welcoming you all."
Hit the 'Create Announcement' button at the bottom and away you go.