Gifted | How do I generate a new voucher code?

Gifted | How do I generate a new voucher code?

If a customer calls up and claims they never received their postal voucher or that they’ve misplaced it, you may want to change the voucher codes to ensure the voucher can only be used by the intended recipient.

Re-generating the code will then make the original voucher code invalid and no one will be able to use it. The new code will be shown on the order details and on any printed/posted vouchers from then on.

For Postal vouchers:

If you need a voucher code to be changed due to missing postal vouchers, then just give us a call or send us an email and we will do so for you. Only our Support team can re-generate codes for postal orders.

For E-vouchers:
If it’s an e-voucher that the customer can’t find, then all you have to do is click the ‘Re-send Voucher to Recipient’ button within the order on Gifted (as shown below). This will then re-send the voucher to the recipient with a new voucher code.

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