Facilities are bookable areas which can be booked individually or associated with a staff member. An example of the two options available are a tennis court is booked by a client and they are able to use the court unsupervised, or a tennis lesson which is booked with a staff member and the court.
Creating Facilities
In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Facilities"
To create new Facility
- If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites, then click onto the "Green Plus"
- Enter the "Name" of the facility (this must be unique)a description
- Select the default length - the length is configured based on the default Interval
- Interval if your business uses multiple column intervals please select the relevant either 5, 10, 15 minutes
- Start / End Dates - ability to define the bookable availability for the appointment, if dates are blank always available
- Select the "Green Tick" to confirm
Applying Allocations
The Appointment Code Allocation section provide the ability to define which Appointment Codes are associated with the facility
- To configure which appointments can be booked move the required appointments from left to right
- Appointments
- Appointment Codes - these are associated with a staff member - see Appointments Code Setup
- Internal Appointment Codes - are internal blocks which can be booked against the facility - see Internal Appointments - Facility Settings
- Facility Appointments
- Facility Appointments -are appointments facility only appointments - see Facility Appointments Code Setup