EMS | Facility Setup

EMS | Facility Setup


Facilities are bookable areas which can be booked individually or associated with a staff member.  An example of the two options available are a tennis court is booked by a client and they are able to use the court unsupervised, or a tennis lesson which is booked with a staff member and the court.


Creating Facilities 

In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Facilities"

To create new Facility
  1. If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites, then click onto the "Green Plus"
  2. Enter the "Name" of the facility (this must be unique)a description 
  3. Select the default length - the length is configured based on the default Interval
    1. Interval if your business uses multiple column intervals please select the relevant  either 5, 10, 15 minutes
  4. Start / End Dates - ability to define the bookable availability for the appointment, if dates are blank always available
  5. Select the "Green Tick" to confirm

Applying Allocations

The Appointment Code Allocation section provide the ability to define which Appointment Codes are associated with the facility 

  1. To configure which appointments can be booked move the required appointments from left to right
  2. Appointments
    1. Appointment Codes - these are associated with a staff member - see Appointments Code Setup
    2. Internal Appointment Codes - are internal blocks which can be booked against the facility - see Internal Appointments - Facility Settings
  3. Facility Appointments
    1. Facility Appointments -are appointments  facility only appointments - see Facility Appointments Code Setup

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