EMS | Email Settings

EMS | Email Settings


This guide will help you to diagnose and resolve email settings you may be experiencing. 

Email settings are managed by your IT provider and they will be the ones to assist with obtaining updated settings if required.

Our software currently uses SMTP Basic Authentication to send emails. 


Where are my email settings?

Email settings can be found within Manager (or Administrator for Multi-Site Properties)

  1. Log into Manager (or Administrator)
  2. Select General Menu > Site > Site Settings
  3. Select Email Settings

Here you will see your SMTP settings and any authentication which is setup. 

You can test the email settings present by clicking Test Settings

If there is an error with the email settings, it will present you with the response we receive from your email server. 


NOTE: It is important to note that port 465 does not always work so we recommend using port 587 or 25. 

If you are using our Cloud Environment, you will need to use port 587 as port 25 is blocked. 

You may also need our Static IP Address - Please ask our support team for this if required. 

Office365 - Diagnosing Issues

Default Settings; 

Hostname: smtp.office365.com 

Port: 587

Username: <Email Address>

Password: <Password> OR <AppPassword>

If you use Office 365 please see below general errors we often see and their resolutions; 

Invalid Credentials / Log on error; 

This will be due to the password being incorrect or the account being used has 2FA enabled. 

2FA Disabled; 

Please ensure that SMTPAUTH is enabled on the email account and update the password as required. 

Information on how to re-enable SMTPAUTH can be found here; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/deprecation-of-basic-authentication-exchange-online or https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/authenticated-client-smtp-submission

2FA Enabled; 

Please ensure that SMTPAUTH is enabled on the email account; 

Information on how to re-enable SMTPAUTH can be found here; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/deprecation-of-basic-authentication-exchange-online or https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/authenticated-client-smtp-submission

You will also need to create an App Password for the email account and enter this into the Premier/Journey settings. 

Information on how to create APP Passwords can be found here; https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/account-billing/manage-app-passwords-for-two-step-verification-d6dc8c6d-4bf7-4851-ad95-6d07799387e9

Invalid HELO / Server Timeout Error

This will be that the server / device IP is not whitelisted on the tenant. Please find out the device trying to send out emails and whitelist this in your tenant. 

If you use our cloud environment, please contact our support team for the IP Address. 

G-Suite - Diagnosing Issues

Default Settings; 

Hostname: smtp.gmail.com

Port: 587

Username: <Email Address>

Password: <Password> OR <AppPassword>

If you are using G-Suite / Google Mail, please see below general errors we often see and their resolutions; 

Invalid Credentials / Log on error; 

This will be due to the password being incorrect or the account being used has 2FA enabled. 

2FA Disabled; 

Please ensure that "Less Secure Apps" is enabled on the email account and update the password as required. 

Information on how to re-enable "Less Secure Apps" here; https://support.google.com/a/answer/6260879?hl=en

2FA Enabled; 

Please ensure that "Less Secure Apps" is enabled on the email account; 

Information on how to re-enable "Less Secure Apps" here; https://support.google.com/a/answer/6260879?hl=en

You will also need to create an App Password for the email account and enter this into the Premier/Journey settings. 

Information on how to create APP Passwords can be found here; https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en

Sendgrid - Diagnosing Issues

Default Settings; 

Hostname: smtp.sendgrid.net

Port: 587

Username: apikey

Password: <api password generated by sendgrid>

Invalid Credentials / Log on error; 

This will be due to the password / api password not being correct. You may need to re-create this in your Sendgrid account or contact your email administrator for assistance. 

Invalid HELO / Server Timeout Error

This will be that the server / device IP is not whitelisted on the tenant. Please find out the device trying to send out emails and whitelist this in your tenant. 

If you use our cloud environment, please contact our support team for the IP Address. 


GoDaddy Assistance: https://uk.godaddy.com/help/server-and-port-settings-for-workspace-email-6949

If your email provider is not listed, you may need to escalate this internally with your IT for additional assistance. 

Please do not hesitate to contact our support team if you have any questions or require assistance testing the connections. 

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