Ecommerce Platform | Why don't my Stripe payouts match the funds in my account?

Ecommerce Platform | Why don't my Stripe payouts match the funds in my account?

Sometimes you may find that daily/weekly/monthly payouts from Stripe don't match the funds received, this is usually due to a 'Reserve' being put in place in your Stripe account.

If you have a new Stripe account, a reserve is often put in place automatically, but it can also be implemented due to a higher number of disputes or refunds.

The below articles from Stripe explain what a reserve is, why it's put in place, and how to remove it:

More questions? Contact Stripe Support

If you have any further questions relating to this, you will need to contact Stripe support as Journey does not have permission to access your Stripe account.

There isn't a phone number for Stripe support, but if you follow the process below, you can get a call back from them (usually within a matter of minutes) or chat online with their support team.

  • Click 'Contact Support' at the top of the right-hand menu

  • From the pop-up that appears, select an appropriate topic (i.e. Payouts)

  • Click 'Have us call you'. An estimate of how long you will need to wait for the call back is displayed on the screen.

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