Your privacy policy is a document that details how your company/organisation handles any information it gathers. It should reveal the information it plans to collect such as the site visitor's name, address, credit card number, etc. If data is to be left on a user’s computer (such as cookies), this should be specified alongside information on whether the customer’s data will be shared or sold to third parties.
What information is being collected?
Who is collecting it?
How is it being collected?
How will it be used?
How is the information stored?
Who will it be shared with?
How will this affect the individuals concerned?
Is there a chance the intended use will cause individuals to complain?
It is also important to include the following information in your privacy policy:
A summary of the technical data collected and/or passed on (i.e. IP addresses, email addresses, etc.)
A summary of the personal data collected and/or passed on (i.e. name, address, etc.)
Data transferred from browsers (e.g. browser history)
Information about special features, like sweepstakes, online advertising, etc.
If required, information on the use of web analytics tools such as Google Analytics
Actions taken to ensure the security of data
Information about the user’s right of objection
If you use cookies on your site to collect and store information, it is necessary to include a cookies policy on your site.
Cookies are a form of collecting personal data, both the US and EU have created laws that require some type of disclosure of the use of cookies.
A cookies policy is a disclosure by a website of:
What cookies are used by the company
How those cookies are used to collect the private information of visitors
How the user can control the disclosure of information and use of the cookies for collection
A Cookies Policy allows the company to have full disclosure with its users and creates transparency of the collection of private information.
You must include:
A definition of cookies
What cookies you use
What you use the cookies for
How users can opt out of adjust settings
A definition of cookies
What cookies you use
What you use the cookies for
- Advertise
- Research search history
- Analyse the dynamics of a website
How users can opt out of adjust settings