Ecommerce Platform | SynXis payment reconciliation

Ecommerce Platform | SynXis payment reconciliation

This article aims to guide properties using Synxis on how to reconcile ecommerce platform payments in their PMS, as these will not integrate automatically. This is essential for end-of-day reconciliation to ensure all payments received by the property have been recorded in the PMS.

STEP 1: Check new ecommerce platform bookings as soon as they are confirmed.

Who: Reservations / FOH

When: Continuous

  • As soon as a new booking is confirmed via the ecommerce platform, the pre-defined email address will receive a booking receipt. Please advise if you would like this address changed at any point

  • Once received, use the details provided in the email to retrieve the booking in your PMS

  • Post the full payment in PMS

Optional step: add a trace/task in accordance with the booking payment terms to check and post any deferred payments (if applicable)

Note: this method will allow you to capture pre-payments for all new bookings, however, it will not include deferred payments. Full payment must be posted in PMS to ensure guests can be provided with a VAT receipt. Gateway fee and service fee needs to be reconciled by the accounts team (same principles apply as with any other travel agent bookings).

STEP 2: Use ecommerce platform transaction report

Who: Reservations / FOH

When: Each morning

  • To be completed at the start of each day to capture payments taken the day prior

  • Required to capture deferred payments

How To

  • Log in to ecommerce platform admin

  • Navigate to reports tab on the left hand side

  • Select transaction report

  • Set the date range to show yesterday’s date only

  • Click on generate report

  • Click on the report link to download it

  • Use the amount shown in column C (Amount)

  • Post the payment in full in PMS

STEP 3: Check Arrivals

Who: Reservations / FOH

When: Each morning

  • Extra step to capture any last minute bookings and any failed payments

How To

  • Log in to ecommerce platform admin

  • Navigate to reports tab on the left hand side

  • Select arrival report

  • Set the date range to show today’s and tomorrow’s arrivals

  • Click on generate report

  • Click on the report link to download it

  • Look out for data in columns C - E to ensure order is fully paid and the outstanding Amount is 0.00

  • Double check that all payments have been posted in PMS

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