Ecommerce Platform | Setting up a new payment method in Premier

Ecommerce Platform | Setting up a new payment method in Premier

On occasion when an order is placed through Journey's ecommerce platform (previously known as onejourney) you may see it display within the ‘Orders’ section with a status of 'In Progress', for the Spa module, this means that the order has not integrated with Premier.

You will need to manually add this booking to Premier and assign the payment to your 'onejourney' or 'RevSpa' payment method.

If you do not have a 'onejourney' or 'RevSpa' payment method created, please follow the below instructions within Premier to create this:

  • Log in to Premier via Manager

  • General Menu

  • Sites

  • Site Settings

  • Payment Methods

  • Allocate 'ecommerce platform' to one of the -None- buttons

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