Ecommerce Platform | Creating an announcement

Ecommerce Platform | Creating an announcement


  • Log in to your ecommerce platform.

  • From the left-hand menu, under 'Products & Service' click 'Content'.

  • Near the bottom of this list, click 'Announcements'.

  • Click 'Create an announcement'.

  • Fill out as desired.

  • The 'Announcement name' does not show on your ecommerce platform storefront and is just for admin purposes. The 'heading' is what will pull through as the title of the announcement on your storefront.

  • The colours of the announcements are pulled directly from your branding setup. The colours cannot be adjusted for just your announcements without affecting other colours on your ecommerce platform storefront.

  • You can put links in announcements.


  • Dismissible banner (underneath navigation bar)

  • Non dismissible banner (underneath navigation bar)

  • Popup (modal window centered)


  • You can edit an announcement by clicking 'edit' to the far right.

  • You can delete an announcement by clicking the three dots to the rear right and then 'delete'.

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