Ecommerce Platform | Managing/cancelling a deferred payment booking

Ecommerce Platform | Managing/cancelling a deferred payment booking

There are options to manage the payment by clicking the ellipsis button at the end of the row.

If you are cancelling or amending dates of an order, please do ensure that this payment is cancelled/amended appropriately using either "Change Date" or "Cancel Payment".

Change Date

If the client has changed the dates of their room booking, you should amend the dates for the future payment to be in line with the new arrival date.

Mark as ‘Paid’

There may be an occasion where a payment has failed and the remaining payment is not taken via ecommerce platform. This option allows you to ensure that ecommerce platform order and payment records reflect the status of the booking.

(Note, that if a refund is required in this scenario, ecommerce platform would not be able to process the refund and an alternative method of payment would need to be used.)

Copy Payment Page URL

You may wish to manually email the link to the customer if they are having problems receiving the automatic emails. This could also be used if entering the details for a card over the phone (note that the customer will still be required to verify 3DS so this may not be possible), or if the customer is on-site.

Cancel Payment

IMPORTANT: If an order is cancelled, and the deferred payment is no longer required, you will need to cancel the deferred payment separately. Unless the payment is cancelled, the deferred payment will still be requested on the specific date.

This may also be used in conjunction with ‘Mark as ‘Paid’’ if the customer has paid offline. Cancelling a payment will ensure that ecommerce platform makes no further attempts to take payment.

Resend Payment Email

If a customer has not received the payment email after a failure, use this option to resend to the customer again.

(Note that it is worth checking that the original email address for the customer is correct and contains no typos. If this needs to be edited, it can be done so via the general tab for the order.)