You may want to set up a minimum lead time restriction for your rates. For example, you have a rate that includes an experience and you'd like some extra time to schedule or prepare this for the guest. How to set up a minimum lead time restriction in ...
Initial Set up PMS Setup Setup a Rate in the PMS for the package. Experience Management System (EMS) Setup Please view our article here, to see how to complete this first step within EMS (previously known as Premier). Ecommerce Setup Log into our ...
Promotional Pricing allows your ecommerce platform to override the set price in Premier - this would be relevant when offering discounts on the ecommerce platform (not to be confused with a 'Promo Code'). In Premier, log in via Administrator. Go to ...
The ecommerce platform rate calendar displays the lowest price available on each date. If you have some dates on the calendar which are displaying £0, this is most likely because there are zero rates set in the PMS for the room types but the rate ...
If you wish to extend your room pricing for more than 12 months on your ecommerce platform storefront, please follow the below steps within Guestline. Go into Distribution within Guestline Select Channels Select Connection Settings Select the correct ...