Ecommerce Platform | How do I upload a new menu

Ecommerce Platform | How do I upload a new menu

Follow this process to add a brand new menu (To replace an existing menu, scroll further down this article for instructions).

  1. Log into your ecommerce platform platform (

  2. Click Tables from the left-hand side menu

  3. Click Restaurants from the left-hand side dropdown menu

  4. Click 'Edit' next to the restaurant that you wish to edit

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a section for Menus.

  6. To add a new menu click on the 'Add Menu' button.

  7. This will then change to the below.

  8. You will need a PDF copy of the menu you wish to upload. You can either click on the 'Upload file' button and browse for the file to be uploaded or you can drag and drop the file onto the 'Upload file' button.

  9. Once the file has been uploaded you will see a thumbnail image of the menu you have uploaded.

  10. You will also see a new text field titled Name. Enter the name of the menu here. eg 'Dinner Menu' or 'Lunch Menu'.

  11. Click on the 'Save Restaurant Config' button.

To replace an existing menu:

  1. If you already have an existing menu you wish to replace follow steps 1-6 from above, and then you will then see the existing menus thumbnail image.

  2. Click on the red X next to the menu to remove it.

  3. Follow steps 8-12 to add the replacement menu.

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