Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Will Ecommerce Platform pick up the price variances of peak & off-peak rates?

Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Will Ecommerce Platform pick up the price variances of peak & off-peak rates?

If you’ve got peak and off-peak prices set up, then you’ve most likely got price variances set up already.

Ecommerce platform will pick this up as long as you’ve got them set up to be used on the RoomlynxWS channel. If the price variance isn’t set up to use RoomlynxWS, then when searching rates on ecommerce platform, the peak and off-peak prices will both display for the one rate on the same dates.

If price variances are something you haven’t set up yet but would like to then please follow the instructions on the Guestline guide below: