Threshold closure is the ability to close out availability to a specific channel, the channel ecommerce platform uses is RoomlynxWS.
It’s vital that you have these set up if you are a property with a smaller range of rooms per room category.
You can set these thresholds for when a set inventory count or a percentage of occupancy has been reached and it can either be set for hotel overall availability or just by specific room type.
The thresholds will need to be added into the ‘Distribution’ section of the Guestline PMS.
Login to Rezlynx, and go onto 'Distribution'.
'Threshold Closures' sits underneath the 'Restrictions' title.
To add any new thresholds, you’ll first need to select the property to which the threshold will be applied (if you have access to more than one property).
Select which channel, for ecommerce platform , it will be RoomlynxWS.
Follow the below steps depending on whether you are doing it by hotel overall availability or room type.
Hotel Threshold
Inventory count Threshold Type: Amount of remaining rooms
Percentage Threshold type: When occupancy drops below X% the availability of the channel will close
Close: Amount of rooms remaining for the availability of the channel to close
Open: When the hotel has X amount of rooms available the availability of the channel will open
Overrides: Select a date range here for the set threshold is to be amended or removed between
Room Type
Room Type: Select room type to Threshold Closure to
Close: Amount of X-type rooms remaining for the availability of the channel to close
Open: When the hotel has X amount of X type rooms available the availability of the channel will open
Overrides: Select a date range here for the set threshold is to be amended or removed between