Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Display more than 12 months of pricing for rooms
- Go into Distribution within Guestline
- Select Channels
- Select Connection Settings
- Select the correct connection to edit for our ecommerce platform. For the below example, this is called "RoomLynxWS – One Journey". (As you may not wish to extend availability to OTA’s beyond 365 days)
- Amend the number within the 'Availability Update Window (days)' field to the new required range
- Remember to click save at the bottom.
- Once this has been completed, please login to our ecommerce platform and complete an import by clicking the "Import" button in the top right corner of the 'Rooms' page. After this has been completed, any changes you have made within Guestline, including this extension, should be pulled through.
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