Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Displaying your rates on Ecommerce Platform

Ecommerce Platform | Guestline | Displaying your rates on Ecommerce Platform

All the rates should already be set up in Rezlynx. In order for them to display on ecommerce platform, you would need to ‘expose’ the rate to Roomlynx which is a simple tick box like below. This needs to be done for every rate that you’d like to have on ecommerce platform.

After exposing it to RoomLynx, you should then go into the distribution section of the PMS. (There are two locations you can access the distribution, either in the top right corner or along the menu bar in Rezlynx, see screenshots)

The rates that you’ve exposed to Roomlynx, will now display in the rate list in the distribution channel. Any of the other rates that you haven’t 'exposed' to Roomlynx won’t be visible here.

It’s here where you can go in edit each rate, add descriptions, select an image and add any upsells (images need to be uploaded separately, see guide here).

Once done, make sure to click the ‘roomlynxWS’ tickbox and then save the rate and you should be able to see it in ecommerce platform now. You can go back in and amend the rate description and imagery at any time.

Guestline mapping guide :

Guestline editing rates guide :