Once you have been set up and are live, you may decide that you would like to run an offer through your ecommerce platform.
You may want to utilise this feature to create a campaign for an event like Black Friday. There is also a video here to take you through the setup step by step (please note: in this video the Special offers is located under Offers & Promotions, but now it is located under the Spa heading).
In the menu on the left, under the 'Spa' heading click on 'Special offers'.
Here you can see any special offers you currently have, create special offers and remove any outdated ones.
To create a new promotion click on the 'create offer' button at the top of the screen.
This will open a new page, with fields for you to fill out, as shown below.
Enter the name of the offer you wish to create.
(eg. 'festive 20% off spa days')
Set time period you want the offer to run from using the 'active start date' and 'active end date' fields.
(eg. 01/11/2022 to 24/12/2022, note that the date format is dd/mm/yy)
If you are creating an offer for a spa day/treatment/class/facility booking, set the date you wish guests to be able to arrive from and use the 'arrival start date' and 'arrival end date' fields. If you are creating an offer for a retail product in the shop, you should not enter arrival dates.
If desired, select the weekdays you would like this offer to appear on. The days highlighted in green are the days that the offer is applied to. If you select certain days, please ensure that you have entered an arrival start date and an arrival end date otherwise this setting will not be applied.
Under the offer type section, choose whether this offer will be either for a percentage off or for money off.
If you chose percentage off, enter the total percentage you would like to discount.
If you chose money off, decide how much money you are offering off for the promotion.
You then need to choose what you would like to apply the offer to. In the target drop-down, select which items you would like it applicable to.
Note that certain selections such as spa days or treatments will then present you with further options. (In the example below, spa days were selected, you can then choose which specific spa days you'd like to apply this promotion to.)
If you are satisfied that your offer is set up correctly and would like to publish it for use, set the offer to 'active' by clicking the checkbox.
Click on the 'create offer' button at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have set the offer to active, check that it is displaying correctly on the storefront. If you have created an offer for spa days/treatments/classes/facilities, also check that the offer appears, and doesn't appear for the correct date ranges.