Ecommerce Platform | Creating a promo code

Ecommerce Platform | Creating a promo code

Once you have been set up and are live, you may decide that you would like to offer promo codes through your ecommerce platform. 

Creating a Promo Code

  • Log into your ecommerce platform.
  • In the menu on the left, under the 'Spa' heading click on 'Promo codes'.

  • Here you can see any promo codes you currently have, create new promo codes and remove any outdated promotions.

  • To create a new promo code click on the 'Create Promo code' button at the top of the screen.

  • You will be presented with this screen.

  • In the 'Promo Name' box enter the code for the promotion you wish to create. Please note that this must be one word and in all capitals. It can also include numbers but it cannot only be numbers.

    (e.g. 'FESTIVE20'. This will be the code that the customer will enter at checkout, so we recommend that a short and snappy promo code is used.)

  • Set the dates & times you wish the promo to run from and to using the 'Active Start Date' and 'Active End Date' fields.

    (e.g. 01/11/2022 to 24/12/2022 (note that the date format is dd/mm/yy) )

  • Under the Promo Type section, choose whether this offer will be either for a 'Percentage Off' or for 'Money Off'.

  • You then need to choose what you would like to apply the offer to. In the 'Target' drop-down, select which items you would like it to be applicable to.

  • Note that certain selections such as Spa Days or Treatments will then present you with further options. (In the example below, Spa Days were selected, you can then choose which specific Spa Days you'd like to apply this promotion to, the dates guests can arrive using the promo code, and what days of the week these arrivals are. Days of the week are all pre-selected, you will need to click them to de-select.)

  • You then need to decide if you would like the promo to be active immediately or not. If you do ensure that the 'Active' checkbox is ticked.

  • Click on the 'Create Promo' button.

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