Figure 1
You will now be presented with the following screen (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
This list shows all the clients that have arrived in your system - you get the “Clients Name” and the “Time” the client is due to depart, you will note this is all in time order.
Once you have selected the client you will see the following (figure 3).
Figure 3
You will notice that the client’s appointments have now appeared on the right-hand side under the “Appointment Type”.
The client's name also appears in the “Bill To” box.
This will take you to the client’s bill, (see Figure 4).
Figure 4
“Till” – this will give you the till name.
“Client” – this gives you the client name.
“On Account” – this will tell you how much revenue the client has accrued on Account.
“Pre Payments” – this will tell you how much money the client has on their pre-payment account.
“Loyalty Points” – this will give you a total of loyalty points that the client has accrued.
“Discount” - before you can allocate a discount you are required to enter a reason in the reason box located next to the discount box, once this has been allocated you will be able to enter an amount in the discount box.
“Reason” using the dropdown box select the reason for the discount, note some reason codes will require the manager’s authorisation before proceeding, if this is the case a box will automatically appear asking for their log in details.
“Total” gives the total amount due from the appointment / retail item, accounting for any discounts.
“Payment Method” – this will only be used if you require the item to be complimentary, accounting for a course item or putting the item On Account.
“Tax Total” shows the tax amount.
“Less Allocated” shows any monies that have already been paid.
“Total to Pay” gives a grand total.
If you wish to add an appointment to the client’s bill this can be done by clicking on the Appointments icon, it allows you to bill an appointment that has not been booked into the diary.
You will now be presented with the following screen (see Figure 5).
Figure 5
Any appointments added in this way will have a tick in the “Add” box marking it as an additional appointment. This will relate to the reports so that it will be clear how much “upselling” or “Additional Services” are being completed.
If there is no barcode scanner:
Figure 6
Figure 7
If you wish to add a miscellaneous item to the client’s bill, click the “Miscellaneous” icon. You will then see the following screen (see Figure 8).
Figure 8
Please note any stock items added will automatically be allocated to the therapist who conducted the appointment. If another member of staff sold the product please click on the “Downward Arrow” located next to the staff name and change it accordingly.
Any items added using the Food and Drink, or Miscellaneous icon will default the staff member to -none-, if you need to allocate a specific staff member click on the “Downwards Arrow” located next to the staff name box and select the staff name required.
The second row of icons is largely specific to the client, the only exception being “Manual Refund”. Otherwise, they give details on the client’s history or provide opportunities for additional sales - “Recommended / Waiting Stock” and “Product History”.
If you are required to take any action, the icon will be highlighted, and you will be unable to click the green tick through to the payments screen unless they have been acknowledged.
Figure 9
“Product History” – this icon will be highlighted if your client has purchased stock from you before and you can see what they have purchased and when.
“Clients Account” – this will only highlight if you allow clients to have an account and it will detail all items on the account – see separate prompt sheet on the client account for full details.
“Receipt History / Refund” – this will show all items that the client has purchased along with the date and how the items were purchased.
“Manual Refund” – is less safe than “Receipt History / Refund” and should ideally only be used for Till Sale transactions, or those that pre-date your use of Core by Premier. You simply select the type of item to be refunded and then the items themselves. No staff members will automatically be allocated and the value to be refunded - unless amended - will be the full sales price.
“Recommended / Waiting Stock” – this will highlight if you have added Recommended Stock to a client’s record card, or if “Retail Allocation” has been configured in Appointment Codes. The recommended items will be listed.
If the icon is not highlighted it simply means that the icon has no relevance to that particular client.
Figure 10
Before you can green tick and progress to the payment method screen you will need to click onto any “Till Messages” that are highlighted. In the example above (Figure 10, you will notice that the “Stock” icon is highlighted and the “Green Tick” is grey.
Before you can click the Green Tick you must first click the highlighted icon, read the message that appears in the “Details” box and action this accordingly. Once the icon has been clicked, you will then be able to click the “Green Tick”.
Figure 11
The amount that is due from the client is shown in the “Receipt Value” box.
The total value of the bill will be allocated to your default payment method, in the example above (Figure 11), this is cash (the default payment method can be changed in Site Settings).
If you need to split the bill between more than one payment method, you will need to click into the numeric fields and manually type in the amounts.
All the appointments for all the selected clients will now be displayed in the “Appointments” box, with an adjacent tick.
The first client selected above will automatically be highlighted as the person paying in the “Bill To” area. The person paying will automatically receive any Loyalty Points due and the transaction will be detailed in the “Spend” tab of their client record card.
Figure 12
A combined bill will now be displayed (see Figure 13).
You will see that the appointment that has been added for the different client has the client’s name in brackets next to the appointment, so the person paying can see who and what they are paying for.
Figure 13
If your client wishes to purchase stock or food and drink items during their visit, you can add them to their bill and then charge for the total amount when the client is due to depart.
Figure 14
You will now see a billing screen similar to Figure 13.
The items will now be “Saved” on the client’s bill and will be accounted for when they are departed.
If clients request that items be transferred from one client’s bill to another, use “Transfer Billing”.
A list of the stock and non-stock items allocated to that client will now be displayed (see Figure 15).
Figure 15