Before transferring any courses, you need to ensure that the courses have been set up in your new system with the correct course value and individual item value.
Click on “Client/Member Sale”
Search for the client that you wish to sell the course to.
Within the bill screen click on “Courses”
Add the course that the client has outstanding
Click on the “Green Backwards” arrow to exit from the courses screen.
Click on the “Green Tick” to take you to the bill screen.
Click on the “Old System” payment method and then the Green Tick.
Once the course has been Sold Click on “Clients”.
Select the Client that has been sold the course.
Click on the “Account Tab”
Highlight the course items that you would like to change the quantity of
Click on the “Change Qty” Button
Amend the number of course items to the amount that the client has left and Click on “OK”
Select “Refund the value of the course item(s)…” under the course refund options
This will bring up the tilling screen to show a refund
Click on the “Green Tick”
Select the “Old System” Payment Method
Click on the “Green Tick” to Confirm.
Once all courses have been transferred, the old system payment method should be inactivated.