Courses are used to sell multiple appointments in advance and track usage on the day of the appointment.
Typically the value of appointments included in a Course are at a reduced value due to purchasing these in bulk, therefore on redemption of the item value is used instead of the list price.
The purchase of a course is held as a course deposit, providing a running total of the balance as course items are redeemed.
The flexible nature of the course configuration allows for the sale of specific appointments or the option to include a selection of appointments.
Creating a Course
In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto “Courses"
To create new Course click onto the "Green Plus"
Enter a description
Select a "Income Centre" from the dropdown list, for reporting purposes we recommend using the default "Course Purchase"
Move the required Sites from left to right to allocate
Select the "Green Tick" to confirm
Course Setup
A course can be configured with multiples of the same appointment code, a selection of appointments or any combination
Select the "Course" from the List at the bottom of the screen, then select the "Site Details" tab
If using a multi-site solution select the "Site" in the list of sites
You can then apply the general course rules
Alternate Description - if the site naming convention differs per site you have the ability to define a local description
Price - enter the sale price for the course
Loyalty Add - enter the number of points which can be added to the customer record on purchase
Loyalty Use - enter the number of points which are required for the customer to purchase a course using points
Start / End Dates - ability to define the availability for the course sale, if dates are blank always available
Valid For - if you wish to restrict the number of months from purchase the course items will be valid for, enter a number of moths in the field
Course Items
When adding appointments or a selection the total value of the items must match the sale price for the course, any difference is displayed in the "Target" Totals
Adding Appointments
Select the "Green Plus" next to the quantity window
Using the "Additional Corse Item" window
Select the appointment from the list
Enter the quantity
Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
Select the "Green Tick" to confirm
Add Selection of Appointments
Select the "Add Selection" next to the quantity window
Using the "Course Selection" window
Enter the quantity
Enter the pro-rata value of the individual item to ensure the total of the items matches the sale value
Select the appointment from the list, use the arrows to move the included appointments from left to right
Description Transferring Outstanding Courses Resolution Before transferring any courses, you need to ensure that the courses have been set up in your new system with the correct course value and individual item value. Click on “Client/Member Sale” ...
Description Courses are used to sell multiple appointments in advance and track usage on the day of the appointment. Typically the value of appointments included in a Course are at a reduced value due to purchasing these in bulk, therefore on ...
Description Appointment Code Setup creates the booking rules for all staff based appointments. The initial code creation defines the dependency on "Rooms" or "Facilities" and sets the fundamental business rules for the organisation. Resolution ...
Description Packages provides the ability to bundle appointments and services under a fixed costs and description. The value of the items included in a package are at a reduced to match the sale price of the Package, only this rate is viable to the ...
Description Group Activity Code Setup creates the booking rules for all activity bookings, such as a studio class, cookery school or outdoor activity. Resolution Creating Group Activity Codes In "Administrator" or via "Configuration" click onto ...