Automatic Pricing provides the ability to automate the discount given based on the customers status removing the need to manually apply discounts the the bill.
The discount groups are:
Residents - discount will be applied to all residents.
Client Card Holders - discount is applied based on the Card assigned to the customer record card and having a valid date
Members - discount will be applied based on the membership being active and within the valid hours
Automatic Pricing Structures are created and amended in "Administrator" or "Manager" via "Automatic Pricing".
Discount Options
The type of discount which can be applied to an item is controlled using the "Discount Type" this can either be a reduction on the list price by a specific value or percentage.
Discount Percentage - allows the user to define a percentage of discount off the list price of an item.
Discount Value - allows the user to state the exact amount of discount to be applied to a specific item.
Create New Automatic Pricing
To create a new automatic pricing structure click onto the "Green Plus".
You will be presented with the option to either create a new pricing structure or copy the rules form an existing pricing structure.
Create New Prices - will create a blank automatic pricing structure.
Crete New Prices Based On Existing Prices - will create automatic pricing structure based on the rules of an exiting structure. The structure can be selected from an existing structure at your local site or based on the rules configured at another site.
Dates - enter a start and end date to define the valid period for the discount, by leaving the end date blank will make the discount rules permanently available.
To add discounts to the structure
Select the discount group (Resident, Client Card Type, Membership Type
Select the relevant Tab (Appointments, Facilities Appointments, etc...),
Tick the items included in the structure
Select the Discount Type
Enter the percentage or value off the list price
Select the "Confirm" button
Bulk Modify
The Bulk Modify provides the ability to update all items selected (ticked) on the Tab
Select the items to be included in the structure by ticking each item or selecting the all tick box at the top of the column
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